A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

How to Be A Good Parent

Put your rose colored glasses on for this one! In this video you will learn some basic knowledge about what it takes to become a "good parent" if you are thinking about starting a family OR have already begun your family!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Abstract Thinking

Why has my child become a "little lawyer"? In this video you'll learn about the development of abstract thinking in your child and how important this process becomes as a human being grows and changes from a child into an adult!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

A Boundary For Your Child

And I don't mean a crib! In this video you'll learn a great boundary to share with your children to assist you in teaching them why boundaries are important and necessary to everyone's health and wellbeing!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Favorite Car

Hey! A different resource for your kid (see Let the World Teach Them...)! In this video, you'll learn how to open up a dialogue about self worth with your young teen whether boy or girl simply by all of you watching this video!!!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Let The World Teach Them Their Lessons

Did you line the road with pillows? In this video you'll learn how important it is for children to learn from other resources than their parents!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Don't Set Your Children Up To Lie

Liar, liar, pants on fire!!! In this video you'll learn about a very harmful way (think old school) of approaching your children when you have negative information about them and a better way (new school) to approach them that lends you credit and models truthfulness!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Autopilot Kids

No we are NOT in a plane! In this video you'll learn to be aware if you have one of those kids that always seems to be "okay" and how to make sure to check in with them and spend time!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Families Are Like Video Games

No quarters needed! In this video you'll learn how NOT to react poorly or angrily with your children when they are pushing all your buttons and how not to push their buttons! Landscaping this concept with your children would help your family immensely (go watch Landscaping to see how to do it).

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Brain Burning

No matches needed for this one! In this video you'll learn how the animal kingdom teaches their children based in survival how to follow the rules which will assist you in teaching your children how to follow rules without losing your temper!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Make it Happen

This needs to be a banner on your fridge!! In this video you'll learn how to take the time to guide your children by example and teamwork, thereby, helping them to build their own way of "making it happen"!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.


Not your garden variety!!! In this video you'll learn how landscaping rules and standards allows all members of the family to understand expectations upon which you all can grow and thrive together.

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Teachable Moments

If we are open, we can learn! In this video, you'll learn how so many of us forget we learn from so many sources including our children!!!

A woman sitting in a chair with the words

Children Won't Appreciate You Until They're 35

Grace? Did I say grace? In this video you'll learn how to model grace for your kids and understand they won't have much of it for many years so patience is the key!!!

A woman sitting in a chair with her hands crossed.

Accommodating For Families

Accommodating too much in families can lead to dire consequences. In this video you'll learn how that happens and how to avoid the dire results!!!