Transactional Analysis For Partners
Basic Freud! In this video you'll learn how to stay in "adult"....hope that peaks your interest!!!!
Couples Fusion vs Differentiation
Right on the heels of "accommodating"! In this video you'll learn how couples become over involved in one another, needing to remember who they are as individuals and how to accomplish that dance!
The Circles
A boundary lesson for couples! In this video you'll learn how important the two of you are at the center of your universe!
Why Your Partner Hears the Counselor
Are you turning a deaf ear to your partner or vice versa? In this video you'll learn how partners sometimes stop listening to one another due to their close proximity and how the counselor helps you learn to hear one another again!
Accommodating For Couples
Stop bending over backwards! In this video you'll learn how accommodating too much in your relationship can have dire consequences and how to fix it!
A great video to watch with your partner! In this video you'll learn a simple, effective way to view yourself and your partner when you communicate that could lower the times you misunderstand one another!
No is an Okay Answer
People pleasers, this one's for you! In this video you'll learn how important it is to your health and wellbeing to learn to say "no"! Heck, all of us can learn from this one!!!
Codependency and 50/50 Responsibility
Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy codependency!
Covert Overts
Get these knives outta my back! In this video you'll learn when someone goes behind your back doing harm and the different ways they react to their behaviors!
Ego Defenses
Oh! The roads we will travel! In this video you'll learn the four ego defenses (roads) we will go down to avoid taking responsibility for our behaviors and decisions, how to open up a dialogue about these defenses and how to shift from defense into change!
Feelings are Never To Be Discounted
Doesn't mean you act on them! In this video you'll learn how to acknowledge your's and other's feelings without needing to act upon them, simply validating them as they tell you about yourself and other!
Honesty, Lying, Fear
Right on the heels of the prior video....In this video you'll learn a third road people tend to go up leading to the same outcome! Whoops!
Honesty vs. Lying
Honesty is the best policy! In this video you'll learn a concept about these two opposites that may change your mind about why lying is not a good choice!
How To Not Be The Bad Guy
Nuclear reactivity! In this video you'll learn why becoming over the top angry in your reactions to others can land you in a world of trouble and make everyone else not responsible for their behavior!
Five Types of Intimacy
Yup! Five! In this video you'll learn about the types of intimacy with descriptors for each and how important they are to your relationships!
The Knot
Tangled up? In this video you'll learn how to make sense of a "communication" glitch that might be happening in your relationship(s) and why?
Intimacy vs. Generativity
Try hugging your partner while on the proverbial "hamster wheel"! In this video you'll learn about four (4) stages of development and how to navigate them adding to greater relationship satisfaction!